Humza Mohammed
Humza Mohammed
  • Видео 1
  • Просмотров 2 501 733
SHOCKING! Principal Reacts to Prince EA - I JUST SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM !!!
facts facts facts
Richard Montgomery High school
Просмотров: 2 501 956



  • @agentgadgetgaming
    @agentgadgetgaming 5 дней назад

    More students need to send this to their principals, because no matter what their reactions are, they win. If there is no response, they either agree with you and can't say it, or don't agree and enjoy doing this to thousands of kids

  • @CrusherX1000
    @CrusherX1000 17 дней назад

    Teacher here "This has to change at a state level" That right there is the problem! The people in power don't want critical thinkers. If you go to jail, your wealth goes to them And ironically, it's our uneducated students talking about how much they hate school that keep these people in power because they don't think critically about the impact of their votes after they graduate Disagree with him blaming the union. Rolled my eyes at that part. The teachers and staff will not lose their job if school gets better. I'd love to see a school with too many teachers 😂😂😢

  • @Lang77609
    @Lang77609 24 дня назад

    Everything he says here is True except for the salaries teachers aren't Important and should be making way less Money all they do is memorize instructions and facts from a book and babble it to the Kids in the classroom they should be called messengers. Their Job shouldn't exist all they're there to do is give Kids useless information and waste their time and control/dominate Kids lives. School Buildings shouldn't exist and neither should any of the Jobs from all the people inside these Buildings they serve no purpose in the world of 2025 but the problem is this old way crap will never be changed and it's a shame but I'm glad I've been done with it since 2022 and the day I walked out of that Building with that useless Paper in my Hand was the best feeling I've ever had in my 21 years of life I felt complete FREEDOM like a Prisoner that escaped Prison or got released early if you know School is a scam and you leave High School for good let me tell you It'll be the or one of the best feelings you'll ever have in your life

  • @N3isfree
    @N3isfree Месяц назад


  • @PrinceJunior69
    @PrinceJunior69 Месяц назад

    This reminds me I learned so many things in School but 90% I never implemented

  • @CarolAntonSanta
    @CarolAntonSanta Месяц назад

    How i learned french duolingo 40 percent school 60 percent

  • @TheFloridaMonkey
    @TheFloridaMonkey Месяц назад

    that principal really reacted there.

  • @Adrianfre3z
    @Adrianfre3z Месяц назад

    I wanna move to Finland 🇫🇮

  • @LeftyLooney
    @LeftyLooney Месяц назад

    Please give your principal a Christmas card he is a rare person on this earth

  • @joemaranot8197
    @joemaranot8197 Месяц назад

    Here in the philippines teachers are respected and are actually pay super well they're making us laugh but also teaching us

  • @Spittin_bars-77
    @Spittin_bars-77 2 месяца назад

    i love how the principal agreed instead of arguing...

  • @pholotino4673
    @pholotino4673 2 месяца назад

    Y'all will never know how bad are asian schools

  • @soswag5681
    @soswag5681 2 месяца назад

    Why is no one talking about how much balls he has for telling his principal to watch it

  • @dragon80000
    @dragon80000 2 месяца назад

    The problem is, this horrific is so embedded in our culture, that it will be very hard to fix, and take a very long time, especially with this slow democracy we have, all the unions, and all the buisnesses. If you're interested in this topic, there are many different RUclips videos. I wonder if, in the future, we will have a movement similar to the civil rights movement but around education.

  • @Risk4life
    @Risk4life 3 месяца назад


  • @JackAttack58
    @JackAttack58 3 месяца назад

    hey without school you wouldn't know alot, i know school is hard but thats just life bro

  • @WoodStocko
    @WoodStocko 3 месяца назад

    It’s been years… n o t h i n g h a s c h a n g e d

  • @aussiebox
    @aussiebox 3 месяца назад

    Holy shit, a teacher that understands how much torture we students go through?! Unheard of!!!

  • @skunkdog42
    @skunkdog42 3 месяца назад

    I love that I got to rewatch a Prince EA video, and then a review from a principle of equal length, thank you for this

  • @CoolCat1899-b4e
    @CoolCat1899-b4e 4 месяца назад

    Your principal is the definition of dont hate the player hate the game

  • @Yosboysbub
    @Yosboysbub 4 месяца назад

    W principal

  • @CheetixGlitch
    @CheetixGlitch 4 месяца назад

    Hey so here in my high school (7-12) we kind of have something called electives starting in year 9. We basically choose 3 subjects we want to study. 2 of those are 'main' electives which you study in year 9 and 10 while the 3rd is only studied in year 9. We choose them in year 8 (my year currently) and then it repeats for 11 and 12. And the thing is, you dont have to choose the same electives for 11 and 12 as you did for 9 and 10. So I think more stuff like electives would be really helpful! Ofc subjects like maths, english, science, pdhpe and geography/history are mandatory for obvious reasons but everyone has to choose 3 electives but which electives they choose is based on their interests

  • @Shattereddemon300
    @Shattereddemon300 4 месяца назад

    School should not be like basic training for the world.

  • @Shattereddemon300
    @Shattereddemon300 4 месяца назад

    What should a letter determine weather I succeed in life

  • @Toyed1987
    @Toyed1987 4 месяца назад

    Read record regurgitate requirements

  • @BriannaJean-jx7wd
    @BriannaJean-jx7wd 4 месяца назад

    I feel like schools have so much potential, but they don’t try to work towards it. What if they taught us life lessons instead of trigonometry that I’ll probably never see again unless I end up having kids? They could teach us how to do taxes, buy a house, etc.

    • @AlTilleyTheBum-pt4mx
      @AlTilleyTheBum-pt4mx Месяц назад

      That’s what’s wrong with today’s schools. Some communities now have adulting classes for people in their 20s and 30s because they don’t know how to sew on a button, how to open and use a bank account, and how to cook to name a few.

  • @itsplazidk
    @itsplazidk 4 месяца назад

    You know the government fucked up when principals literally disagree with the shitty american school system

  • @abdelillahkamado
    @abdelillahkamado 4 месяца назад

    it might be late but am forced to go there i cant even say i dont want go in my country we stay at school till 17:30 pm bro like am tired cant even have normal day like any country student

  • @DoreenFrimpongYamoah
    @DoreenFrimpongYamoah 4 месяца назад

    I literally love what he is saying and how he rhymes in every video

  • @kendrick_lamar20
    @kendrick_lamar20 4 месяца назад

    sisyphus wouldn't be happy if he had to go to school

  • @Texan_DoomGuy
    @Texan_DoomGuy 4 месяца назад

    google montesori

  • @MatthewCarbonari
    @MatthewCarbonari 5 месяцев назад

    I don’t hate school I love school but the system has to change

  • @king-J29
    @king-J29 5 месяцев назад

    You don't even have to be a sophomore to realize what you like and don't like to do anymore I have been in my first 7th year eighth year in the high school building because my schools are separated from each other for some reason and I already realized that I am never going to use 90% of the stuff that I am taught I want to chop down trees and I don't think I'm going to get taught how to chop down trees

  • @cuttermasterson
    @cuttermasterson 6 месяцев назад

    This goes for all teachers and yes principles. They all care. They don't do this for the paycheck. Its sad the obstacles and bureaucracy they have to deal with. You got a good Principal there kid. Do what he and us past generations couldn't do. Change the system. Wish you luck kid

  • @giraffewhiskers2045
    @giraffewhiskers2045 6 месяцев назад

    As a almost 21 year old adult with autism I hated how school taught me one way to do math.. my mom and brother taught me a way to find the answer, but because I did it another way in which i actually understood I got a bad grade on my homework:/

    • @AlTilleyTheBum-pt4mx
      @AlTilleyTheBum-pt4mx Месяц назад

      As a 23 year old with autism, I can relate. It was annoying how I was taught to do math one way when I had my own. I left the public school system after elementary school and was completely homeschooled from middle school onward. I now have a math tutor helping me get through college algebra along with a 3.9 GPA in community college online learning.

  • @MoritzCW
    @MoritzCW 6 месяцев назад


  • @dakota-rt8kd
    @dakota-rt8kd 6 месяцев назад

    Keeping them dumb and ignorant, for the purposes of advancement of their own agendas. They should be taught, how to think and not what to think! Ignorant and stupid people are much-needed; since therefore its easier to controlled and deceived for their own gains.

  • @fazelok
    @fazelok 6 месяцев назад

    everytime I watch it, I cry. literally XD. being an actual victim of that system - it IS horrifying. yes, taxes are crap, but if theres a system we need to spend money on - its education.

  • @fazelok
    @fazelok 6 месяцев назад

    I truly want to see if any principals actually tried making changes after seeing this video. I doubt it, feel like we wouldve seen something in the 7 years its been out, but - we need to get the video trending again - show it to congress members, actually DO something

  • @fazelok
    @fazelok 6 месяцев назад

    i did journalism in high school, in 2016 - and didnt think of this XD wish I did

  • @Soldpy
    @Soldpy 6 месяцев назад

    yo idk if your still alive or anything but i just got here and i wish there was more man aspecially of your day at school it seems so awesome

  • @jayrun4341
    @jayrun4341 7 месяцев назад

    I don’t think that the way they teach in schools is good. Especially math. There’s too many teachers who don’t understand math and try to teach it weirdly without the thinking I hated maths until I had a good math teacher and then I loved it. It’s all about the quality of the teaching. Bad teachers = I hate school get me out. I know iv moved school so many times. The reason I stayed in my current one is bc the teachers can actually teach (well most) but teachers make or break a subject.

  • @AradhyaJain-nv8ks
    @AradhyaJain-nv8ks 7 месяцев назад

    bro has balls of steel

  • @Improvise9999
    @Improvise9999 7 месяцев назад

    this principal passed the vibe check.

  • @NanadinaVoilet
    @NanadinaVoilet 7 месяцев назад

    In our school they make us do EVERYTHING which is FUCKING OVERWHELMING. All the activities, learning, sports, homework, memorizing, sports. (It's compulsory)

  • @2boredYT
    @2boredYT 7 месяцев назад

    School principals and school teachers are fine. They're great. But the system isn't. People who lived all that time ago didn't change a single thing, because of which every next generation thinks the same. Why? Because that's what they are taught. The system that is so hated is the very one that has taught every generation so far. And that, is why it hasn't changed. We need some courageous people to stand up against the system, which is why we all must strive for change. Change is scary and new, but we didn't reach the moon without being scared.

  • @pzcax
    @pzcax 7 месяцев назад

    his jawline though.

  • @memers-cb2vg
    @memers-cb2vg 8 месяцев назад

    the bravery to do this is insane

  • @PluggedHades62
    @PluggedHades62 8 месяцев назад

    He is absolutely right about it being an industry

  • @Mirror_Chiral
    @Mirror_Chiral 8 месяцев назад

    Not only I support all of the information presented forth, I also believe we must have a different goal. We shouldn't learn things, we should UNDERSTAND things. Learn is the idea of putting thoughts in your mind. Understanding is the idea of why you are obtaining this information and truly MEMORIZING it. But not just that, APPLYING the information to real situations. I'd say Pythagorean Theorem is something that an architect might utilize. Not any other job popped into my head that correlates to the usage of Pythagoran Theorem.